
HTTP/2 Push WordPress Assets to First-Time Visitors

With HTTP/2 push you can effectively send a web page’s assets to the client before the client even knows about them. Here’s how you can HTTP/2 push WordPress assets to your first-time visitors.{{ double-space-with-newline }}

January 29, 2018 · 9 min · Bjørn Johansen

Another day, another “WordPress security vulnerability”

OMFG, BREAKING NEWS: Thousands of WordPress sites affected by some vulnerability.{{ double-space-with-newline }}

January 27, 2018 · 5 min · Bjørn Johansen
WordCamp Norway 2015

Welcome to WordCamp Oslo 2018

On March 2–4 2018, Friday through Sunday, there will be a great chance to meet WordPressers at the conference WordCamp Oslo 2018.

January 25, 2018 · 2 min · Bjørn Johansen

Cut 90% of your WordPress translations loading time

WordPress translations are compiled from human-readable PO-files into machine optimized MO-files, but still takes a lot of overhead to load. If you only could cache the translation load time, you would save a lot of page load time. We can easily cut 90% of our WordPress translations loading time.

January 20, 2018 · 2 min · Bjørn Johansen

Git Pre-commit Hook for WordPress projects

Wouldn’t it be cool if you, in your PHP project could define a package that makes sure that everybody who even tries to commit code is forced to follow the project’s defined coding standards? Yeah, me too. So I created this Composer plugin you can use in your projects.

January 20, 2018 · 2 min · Bjørn Johansen

Speed up the output by 1000x with a WordPress menu cache

Generating the menus in WordPress is quite resource intensive. Sites with few visitors and few menu items might not notice this much. But if you have a large amount of menu items, like in a mega menu, in combination with a lot of visitors the menu generation can be a real hog on your server’s CPUs. Let’s see if we can improve the speed with a little WordPress menu cache trickery.

January 20, 2018 · 4 min · Bjørn Johansen

Automate the upgrade of your DigitalOcean droplets

Recently DigitalOcean released new pricing plans where they basically doubled the RAM for the same price of the old plans. But to get the benefits for your existing droplets, you have to upgrade all of your existing droplets in a process that involves shutting them down, selecting the new plan, waiting for the upgrade to happen and power on the droplets again. I have tens of droplets and had no intention of doing this manually, so I wrote a script to use the DigitalOcean API to automate a mass-upgrade of all droplets.

January 19, 2018 · 2 min · Bjørn Johansen

Customize the WordPress maintenance mode page

Whenever you upgrade a plugin, theme or WordPress itself through the WordPress dashboard, WordPress will put itself in maintenance mode and all your visitors will see the maintenance mode notice “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.”

September 1, 2017 · 3 min · Bjørn Johansen

WordPress security for the casual blogger or small business with limited resources

The resources you have available to spend on WordPress security for your website usually vary vastly whether you’re an international corporation or just a hobbyist blogger. But since most attacks are automated by bots looking for vulnerabilities, a lot of the threats are the same. Here are some WordPress security measures that bloggers and small business with limited resources easily can take.

August 10, 2017 · 8 min · Bjørn Johansen

Use mu-plugins for adding custom functionality to your WordPress site

If you google “functions.php” you get about 7 million results. I bet most of them contain bad advice: “How to add functionality to your WordPress site”. Some of them continue even worse: “[…] without using a plugin”. For your own good, don’t edit functions.php to add custom functionality to your WordPress site. You can use mu-plugins to do that.

August 9, 2017 · 3 min · Bjørn Johansen